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매시 곱 영어로


영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • Massey product
  • 매시    매시 [每時] every hour; per hour. ~
  •     곱1 mucous discharge; a crust of mucus; a film
  •     곱1 mucous discharge; a crust of mucus; a film of pus. 상처에 낀 ~ a crust of mucus formed on a wound. 헌데에 ~이 끼었다 A mucous discharge formed on a wound.곱21 ☞ 곱절2 『數』 the product.
  • 매시    매시 [每時] every hour; per hour. ~ 200킬로[마일]의 속도로 at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour[200-mph / 200 m.p.h.].
  • 곱 (밴드)    Gob (band)
  • 곱 규칙    Product rule
  • 코시 곱    Cauchy product
  • 곱 (범주론)    Product (category theory)
  • 곱 규칙 (조합론)    Rule of product
  • 아다마르 곱    Hadamard product (matrices)
  • 크로네커 곱    Kronecker product
  • 매시 (영화)    M*A*S*H (film)
  • 매시스    Mathis, Texas
  • 매시업    Mashup
  • 매시콧    massicot
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